Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lynyard Cay

Tuesday April 15, 2014
26 21.358 N
76 59.200 W

Our target anchorage was just inside Lynyard Cay, a mile or so from the Little Harbour Bar Channel,  was only about 4 hours from Marsh Harbour so we assumed a relaxing schedule. Paid the bill (after some discussion that led to a $200 credit) and said our goodbyes. Nice group of people waved us off at about 10 AM. The route was basically the same as our previous route to Little Harbor so all we had to do to be safe was to follow our “mouse droppings”

Beach on the "inside"
Couple of ours into the trip we were able to raise “Mud Puddle Rose” on the radio, and they were waiting for us at the anchorage. The forecast wind was south but turned out to be SE at the anchorage which served to improve the level of protection. The wind came up overnight so that turned out to be a good thing.
We dropped anchor in about 20 ft of clear water. I wanted to finish cleaning the running gear and bottom that I had started the day before. This was my first ever dive in clear water, and it was wonderful. The boat floated above me like a giant whale. I was able to do a good job on the props and rudders. Then I swam out to the anchor to see how well it had set – most of the anchor was still showing so “not so good”. The bottom was sand and weeds.  If I disturbed the bottom the sand billowed up like smoke. I was able to easily push my arm into the sand, so I resolved to fire up the engines and re ‘set” the anchor later.

Cleaning the running gear
Mud Puddle Rose had their dinghy in the water and invited us to explore the beach and island. The ocean side was very rough with limestone rock eroded into a labyrinth of sharp angles. Not good walking. The bay side was sandy and shallow and the water was warm. We invited Joe and Susan over for a drink and to plan the crossing. Dinner was a curry.

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