Friday, April 4, 2014

Treasure Cay

Friday April 4, 2014
26 40.257 N
77 16.940 W

There are 12 mooring balls in the anchorage at Treasure Cay and I wanted one of them, so we were under way by about 9 AM with a 12 Noon ETA. It was sunny and relatively calm day. We were in the anchorage by about Noon and on a ball shortly thereafter. Every ball seems different and this one was difficult, but we are old hands now and after 4 tries we managed to snare the ball. After a couple of hours all the moorings were taken.

The anchorage - nice and busy
The anchorage/mooring field is super protected. There is room for anchored boats to mix with moored boats. Once we were secured we headed ashore to pay and get the WiFi password, and have a look around. The marina is only about 20% occupied. I do not understand why places like this do not reduce their prices till they fill up their slips. This place just seems to be a wanna be "Florida style resort" but with "Bahamas style" maintenance.

I had brought my computer and hot spots with me because I had heard there was an " Bahamas internet" guru here. I found the place and explained
my problem and unloaded all th gear. Within a few minuted I realized the lady knew less about the issue than I did and all I wanted to do was get out of there.

We walked over to the "one of the 10 best beaches in the world". Certainly a nice beach, but I suspect the local Chamber decided upon the rating. We will come back tomorrow for a swim.

Back on the boat the wifi worked well and I hope I reconnected with the rest of the world. :) Beautiful sunset and sunrise (the latter according to Deidre).

Saturday April 5, 2014

Perfect morning - not a cloud in the sky, by 11 AM it was 80 degrees and 50% humidity. I had some work to do and since the internet connection was so good, now was the time to do it. In the midst of this Charlotte popped over on her paddle board and gave me a lesson. I paddled back to Tide Hiker and got back to work. The Kylie called and we 3 chatted for a good 30 minutes and then I called Bill on Skype. It was good to be back in touch.

Last night I had noted that some fuel or anti freeze (they are the same color) had accumulated in the ER bilge so I this morning I cleaned it out and strategically placed some shop towels to help me figure out the source. While I was at it I opened the forward bilge and vacuumed out a few gallons till it was dry. Now that I have eliminated the leaky toilet I am wondering if I have solved the two year search for the source of the bilge water.

Banana and Nutella sandwiches for lunch, and we headed for the beach to work on our tans.
Paddle board lessons

Treasure Island Beach

Mermaid in the water

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