Friday, April 4, 2014


Thursday April 3, 2014

The new forecast looked good thru the weekend so we decided to extend our sojourn to a couple more islands. Man-O-War Cay was only 5 or 6 miles away and had an interesting story, so we headed out. Because of all the shallows and reefs, nothing is in a straight line, and it took a couple of hours to make the entrance.

The entrance (on the way out!)
The entrance is deep but VERY narrow. Entering places like this the first time is a bit spooky, but mainly because the cruising guides make it sound that way. Now that we have been in and out, we can say that you do need to be careful and that the first time is a bit tense. I would not like to do it at night, I would not like to encounter another boat, and the chart plotter had us crossing the land.Other wise it was easy.

Man-O-War is "dry" and "religious". About 70% of the population of Man-O-War can trace their heritage back to one person. It is neat and tidy and
Cool house
all the people look the same. It has a boat building history, but now it seems all the trees are gone. Deidre and I walked around for an hour or so and decided that one night would be enough.

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