Monday, April 28, 2014

Farmers Cay

Sunday April 27, 2014
23 57.875 N
76 19.363 W

We had noticed that the “Yacht Club” was promoting a Sunday Brunch so we felt like a treat and decided to attend. All went well, it was a bit expensive but the atmosphere was great and the food was fine. Time to leave I waded out to the dink, scrambled on board. Looked for something in a pocket, out came the boat keys, one bounce and they went over the side.  Oops! I dived in but without goggles could not see much. So Deidre went racing back trying to borrow a pair from “someone”. I stood on “the spot” as best I could. It was only about 4’ deep. Deidre obtained a pair of ‘prescription goggles” from some poor guy and threw them to me. I toured the bottom and found the keys after 5 minutes. Phew! We came back to Tide Hiker and put floats on our keys.

Entrance at Farmers Cay

Started engines about 11 AM and resumed our trek south. Targeting a place that friends had visited a few months before “Farmers Cay”. Little island with about 50 residences. It was only about 15 miles or so and we arrived in time to head ashore. There was no workable dock (there was a dock, but it looked like it had not made it thru the last hurricane) so we motored into a scruffy beach, paddled the last 50 yards, and tied the dink to a log.

"Rent a bed" Maybe we could franchise that!
It was a pretty sad place, I think we met about 40% of the residents. One guy said he eas a “wood carver” and took us to his place. There was nothing we were interested to buy, and we were too self conscious to take photos. Put it this way, the guy could have made a good living by moving to Hollywood and acting in zombie movies.

Two dinks helping the grounded cat
Back to Tide Hiker in the dink. On the way we saw that a big cat had arrived and we said hello. Half an hour later another cat arrived. This one ran right into a bank/reef about 100 yards from us. I heard it before I saw it as the rigging really made a clatter. His efforts to get off were ineffective. I saw the guy from Cat #1 head over in his dink and so I joined him and after a bit of fun we pulled cat #2 off.

While we were there the "weekly" mail boat arrived
Cat #1 came over for a beer and stayed about 3 hours. Nice people, we may meet up in George Town.                                                            

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