Thursday, August 20, 2015

Camden, Maine (Mooring Ball)

Thursday August 21, 2015

Another "fog" day. We delayed pulling the anchor 'till 11 AM when the fog had cleared in the anchorage. All good as we made our way thru the Fox Passage but returned in strength as we entered Penobscot Bay. So we nixed plans to continue south and headed west to Camden where we could take on fuel and water, rent a mooring ball and go ashore for dinner.

Restored trading schooners seems to be a Maine thing. We passed this one as we headed into the fog on Penobscot Bay.

Tide Hiker was a mile or so ahead of Cavara so we went in for fuel first. The working part of the harbor is small and crowded with boats, and the space at the fuel dock was very tight - maybe 60'. We squeezed in OK, missing the boat behind by a couple of feet.The fuel pump was pretty slow so filling the tanks (440 US gallons) took at least an hour. By the time we finished the fog was as thick as I have seen it. Working our way out of the inner harbor and finding the ball in the fog was fun.

So where is the fuel dock? And this is when we could see!
Cavara decided not to attempt the refueling for the reasons described above. About 6 PM we called for a ride on the water taxi and headed into town for a walk and dinner. Maybe we can make some miles tomorrow!

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