Sunday, August 23, 2015

Portland, Maine

Sunday August 23, 2015

We had planned to take a circuitous route to Portland today - winding thru narrow passages that link several of the deep estuaries between here and Portland. But the morning was so gray and dreary we decided to just give it a miss and take the much shorter ocean route. What a drag this weather is.

Five hours later we peered thru the fog and rain and found our target mooring field and picked up the assigned ball. We only had 34 NM to cover and seemed to have a favorable current all the way.

There are lots of capes and rocks around the Maine coast. I usually do not bother taking photos of the associated "aids to navigation" unless the visibility is decent, but today I gave in despite the "average" conditions. You can see the results below.

Cuckold's Lighthouse - makes you wonder what went on in that place in the old days!

Seguin Island Lighthouse

Halfway Rock Lighthouse

Looks like a tourist ride out of Portland. Those folks won't go home with much of a tan!

Portland Head Lighthouse - I actually caught the light as it rotated.

Nice houses on the channel into Portland Harbor. Love the roses!

Spring Point ledge Lighthouse  and view of downtown Portland

Monday August 24, 2015

We dropped the dink and went ashore in the gloom and ate a hardy breakfast. I needed to get my Lipitore prescription refilled (I had run out 3 days ago, and after that breakfast..... ) and Deidre needed a super market, so we split up, planning to regroup at the supermarket and catch a cab back. . As we left the breakfast place the sun came out, what a difference that made.

After unloading groceries on Tide Hiker, and with the sun still shining, we headed off in the dink to explore Portland's waterfront. Its an old waterfront that has been partially spiffed up and partially left unaltered - in other words a bit raunchy. We came across a seal swimming in the murky water and felt a bit sorry for him. But we also found a very spiffy floating restaurant/bar so landed the dinghy and found a table with a view. I had been able to buy a NY Times and so we spent a very pleasant couple of hours hobnobbing. Now that's the life. Just add a bit of sun......

The ferry terminal was just next to us

As we were tootling around quite a big ship passed us and went thru the bridge

Big fishing fleet here

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