Sunday, August 2, 2015

Tor Bay anchorage

Thursday July 30, 2015
45 12 114 N
61 20 901 W

We decided to go, and we were underway sharp at 7 AM. The first few miles we were in protected water but when we were rounding Isle Madam we would be subject to the full fury of the Atlantic ……. but it turned out to be pretty OK – some of the waves were definitely 2 meters but they were “swells” rather than “waves” so by and large we just rode up and down like an elevator. The wind was less than 10 kts so the surface was barely ruffled.

We made the anchorage by about 1:30 PM. It was an “easy in” and offers good protection for all the southerlies. Sometime about then an amazing thing happened - THE SUN CAME OUT!
Deidre and I dropped the dink and ran over to a deserted beach, just because we could!

Barb and Don came over to Tide Hiker for desert and cards. The boys won! It was sunny till dark and we took a photo of the new moon. Tide Hiker was happy - out of the wind and good holding in mud.

House and barn opposite our anchage

Tide Hiker from the shore on a sunny afternoon

On the beach

There was a forest swamp/lake behind the beach that drained over the beach into the bay at low tide. The water was stained dark purple.

Blue moon!

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