Sunday, August 2, 2015

St Peters on the lock wall

Wednesday July 29, 2015
45 39 149 N
60 52 196 W

Another crappy day. Time to start the trip south! Dropped the mooring lines at about 9 AM and headed straight back to St Peters and thru the lock. Tied up to the starboard wall before 2 PM and just took it easy. Don and I walked into town to “Tim Hortons” to access their WiFi and the weather.

The forecast for Friday did not look that good – winds were "light" but 1 to 2 meter waves at 9 seconds on the bow. One meter on the bow is tolerable – 2 meters on the bow is not. The wave height looks better Friday but Sunday the weather starts to pack u-p again.

This will be our first day back in the “real Atlantic” since arriving in New York back in early June. And we have some fairly nasty headlands and reefs to get around between here and Halifax. I am apprehensive about the weather tomorrow. But if we keep on waiting for "good" weather we may never get back to New York. We have 500 miles of rugged coastline to cover before we get to Long Island Sound, and every day cannot be perfect.

Back into the St. Peter's Canal past the swing bridge

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