Monday, July 27, 2015


Sunday July 26, 2015
46 06 010 N
60 44 752 W

Baddeck is the “tourist capital” of Cape Breton Island. It’s a little town that has a government dock and a yacht club with a few moorings. When we arrived there was only one mooring available, so after some phone calls and some messing around Cavara took the mooring and we tied up to the very rough government dock. There was no wifi so we went into “town” for a cup of coffee and to get email. Back on the dock we noticed that a ball was now free and took it.

We may be here for a few days. The weather down the east coast does not look so hot.

Monday July 27, 2015

Another beautiful morning – NOT! We had hoped to rent a car but the one car was rented to someone else! So we took it easy and went into town to visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum which was OK. Dinner and cards on on Cavara. It rained.

Tuesday July 28, 2015

The other day on the Government dock I ran into the captain of the tourist boat. We had a nice chat and he offered his car to me to "go shopping, whatever". So I took the dink over to his boat this AM and suggested that we rented his car for the day. He said OK but did not want any money, and gave me the keys. So I gathered up the clan and we headed out to explore the Cape of Cape Breton.

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