Saturday, July 18, 2015

Charlottetown (Marina)

Friday July 17, 2015

The auto pilot did not work. I suspect when checking the connections the tech had accidentally broken one and then fixed it. I had checked all the connections previously......... He had given me a name and number in Halifax (two weeks away) so I made the call and asked the company to start looking for a fluxgate compass for Tide Hiker.

Other than the hassle of steering the 48 NM to Charlotterown, the day was pleasant enough. Deidre had purchased an abridged copy of Anne of Green Gables as a birthday gift for our Ruby, and carefully read it to me as we motored along.

We arrived outside the Charlottetown Yacht Club about 4 PM. I had made a reservation the previous day. They were thoroughly confused - seemed to be expecting two 16' boats not 49' boats! Then our turn to be confused - we were expecting to pay $1.50 a foot but were required to pay $2.10 a foot! Added to that the docks are beat up and offer no protection from the weather and the shore side is just a mess. We are not impressed so have decided to cut our 4 days down to 2. Time to move on. Its a shame as the town area was attractive.

Deidre made salad dinner for the 4 of us, followed by a stroll around the down town area.

Saturday July 18, 2015

Took a cab to the phone store and recharged the phone and iPad. Then over to Walmart for the shopping and a cab back to the boat.

The marina had a pet mink that lived under the floating docks. We saw it a lot today, apparently it had a litter that it had hidden on a fishing boat that had left for the day without Mum! It searched all over the dock most of the day. When the fishing boat returned the mink found her babies and carried them by the scruff to a new hiding place. I tried to get a photo but I was worried it might take fright and run up Deidre's jeans!

Mink looking for its babies

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