Monday, July 13, 2015

Buctouche (Marina)

Monday July 13, 2015
46 28 535 N
64 42 821 W

The auto pilot started to act up yesterday, but it seemed to settled down later in the day and so decided to forget about it. Well, the same thing happened today and it did not get better. Steering the boat by hand in a following sea is a real pain. I suspect that the problem is in the Fluxgate Compass, or in its connections to the steering control. The compass is under the bed in the stateroom so this morning I dismantled the bed to have a look for loose wire etc but no dice. Have sent some cries for help to a few learned boaters and waiting to hear what they say.

Other than that, today was a pleasant 52 NM run. The water was a bit rough this morning but settled down nicely this afternoon. We arrived within an hour of low tide and the water was a bit skinny in the long private channel into the marina - seeing zeros on both depth meters and churning up some mud for a 1/4 mile or so, but made it through OK.

To our great surprise our slip was only 32' long! So we backed in and secured the bow as best we could. We had made a reservation, and provided all our dimensions, so I was a bit bummed to be in such an undersized slip - but it was the biggest they had!

Dropped the bikes after we settled in and headed into town. Buctouche is a pleasant little town but not much going on. Some nice bike trails. We visited Le Pays de la Sagouine, based on Antonine Maillet's award-winning book La Sagouine, is a theme park filled with Acadian entertainment and history. But it was closed. 

Out on our bikes.

Tide Hiker with her bow hanging loose.

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