Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Harvre Boucher (Anchorage)

July 20, 2015
45 41 264 N
61 31 291 W

Don and Barb did a great “leading” job today and I did a good following job and we completed the xx nm in good time – averaged 7 kts. The day was cool, overcast with fog and rain threatening – typical Canadian summer. But the rain held off exactly until it was time to drop the anchor in this very nice anchorage, and I got wet again.

Early this century a bridge was built from the mainland to the island. It is 7 miles long and "the longest bridge ever built over a frozen sea"

The anchor took two tries to set, we moved about ¼ mile between attempts. But when we brought it up this morning we had to use the main engines to drive Tide Hiker over the anchor to break it loose. The anchor brought up a big bight of the red clay bottom – very nice!

We are now “positioned” a couple of miles from the Canso Canal and lock. This is a good anchorage, 360 protection. But the sky is so cloudy that the solar panels contributed zero. No local or even satellite TV. But in Charlottetown we had stumbled over a great used book store and came away with a dozen books.  The owner had friends in Melbourne and was ready for a chat.

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