Monday, July 27, 2015

MacNab's Cove

Friday July 24, 2015
45 43 997 N
60 44 224 W

Barb and Don wanted/needed to stay another day in St Peters but we were ready to move on. We were anxious to experience the lakes and enjoy the highly rated anchorages, so we agreed to meet in Baddeck in a few days. The fuel price at the marina was very reasonable so we decided to fill’er up and get a pump out before we left. It was a calm day, overcast and threatening rain as usual.

Only about 35 NM to Baddeck, so we did not plan to go far before finding our ideal anchorage. It was fun wandering in and out of coves and thru narrow passages between islands. The scenery was certainly rather idyllic, although it would have been even more so with a bit of sun and another 10 degrees of warm.

There are about XX,000 “First nation” Mic’Maq” Indians living in several reservations on the island. Turns out they were having a “pow wow” on the shore of our first anchorage choice. The shore line was lined with a large number of travel trailers and huts, and even a couple of wigwams, not what we were looking for, so we moved on.
This looked nice

This was "not so nice"

Second choice was pretty perfect, although there was one rather fancy house on the shore  behind a little island. We dropped anchor so that the island obscured our view of the house and settled in for a quiet afternoon. It was just a bit too cool to launch the dink and explore further.

We were soon joined by several loons – they are quite pretty birds and their call is very beguiling. Later on we spotted two large bald eagles. Saw some seals pop their heads on the way here.

The wind was pretty calm and we were well protected, but Tide Hiker seemed uncomfortable and squirmed around a lot, but otherwise stayed put. There is no local TV, no Sat TV and even no radio. So we watched a movie on TV from the library on my laptop. 

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