Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summerside (Prince Edward Island)

July 14, 2015
46 23 306 N
63 47 087 W

We left at 7 AM so we had more than 1/2 the tide and never saw less than 2' under the keel in the channel. The auto pilot still refused to work, but the sea was pretty calm so steering by hand was not so bad. As usual, we did not see another vessel all day. It is amazing just how empty the sea is in these parts. maybe a freighter in the distance. Virtually no radio chatter.

Arrived at the Summerside marina at 2 PM. Don and Barb had given us the scoop on the marina over the radio and we had a nice reception crew on the dock to take lines. The sun was out (and actually felt warm) so we enjoyed a drink on the top deck.

As usual we attract lots of attention in the marina, and one of the visitors gave us a phone number for a auto pilot guy. I called and he is visiting us at 8 AM tomorrow.

Barb and Don had lined up a concert at "The College of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada" and we rode our bikes over for the 7:30 PM concert. The girls loved it, I thought it was OK. Here is a video - I will let you be the judge.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The technician did not turn up and when I called him at 9 AM he confessed that he forgot all about us. He rescheduled for later this afternoon. We had planned to hire a car for the day but put it off 'till tomorrow.  Deidre and I explored Summerside on the bikes and enjoyed a coffee at Tim Horton's. We cleaned up Tide Hiker a bit, I washed the decks.

It is a bit hard to understand why people live here - the winters are just horrible. Let me give you a few examples:
* The snow total for February this year was 18 feet!
* One recent winter, it snowed 9 feet on day one and 6 feet a couple of days later
* The ice gets to be 6 feet deep in the marina where we are docked.
Other than that, it seems quite pleasant!

The techie turned up at about 5:30 PM. To make a long story short - he found a lose wire! The auto pilot appears better - we will see when we leave on Friday.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Today we rented a car and explored this end of Prince Edward island. The countryside is quite pleasant - gentle rolling hills, mostly cultivated. The island soil is badly podsolized and the big crop is potatoes, rotated with hay. Potatoes are a big deal here. We visited the Potato Museum and had lunch at the cafe - only potato based food was offered!

We drove around the north coast where fishing is big, It was interesting to see that the sand beaches were as red as the red soil.

Red sand beach

Fishing port

Don and barb learning about crayfish?

You wonder how any of them get away.

I met an interesting character also

Definitely grow potatoes here!

Rivals the "world's biggest banana"?

What did we have for lunch? A baked potato "with the lot" of course!

Of course we had to visit Green Gables as in "Anne of Green Gables". Deidre purchased an abridged version of the book for Ruby. Let's just see how wide and deep that generational gap turns out to be!

Deidre was going on about some sort of house with a green roof? 

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