Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sainte Anne Des Monts

Saturday July 4, 2015

Today is the 40th anniversary of our arrival in the USA from down under.

We were underway at 5:30 AM this morning. The sun was out and there was virtually no wind. Our next stop was 46 NM away and we needed 6 hours of decent weather to get there comfortably. Ten minutes before we docked in SADM the wind returned to its "normal" 20-30 kts, and the sea started to kick up as we entered the breakwater. Otherwise it was a perfect trip. Both Deidre and I enjoyed our breakfast and a one hour nap while underway.

The largest vertical axis windmill in the world..... they say. This has to be the best place in the world for wind mills!

SADM is a pretty ordinary place. Two good supermarkets and the usual small town shops. Other than that it seems devoid of personality. After wandering thru "downtown" we both went back to bed for an afternoon nap.

It is currently blowing hard but the weather looks OK for tomorrow. We are going to head out with the tide at about 5:30 AM and continue east as long as the weather holds.

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