Sunday, July 12, 2015

Shippegan (Marina)

Saturday July 11, 2015

For some reason Shippegan was spooking Barb so they decided to leave early and do the 92 NM direct to Escuminac. They left at 5:30 AM. We took it easy and left about 8 AM heading for Shippegan. It was only about 45 NM but it seemed to take all day. Shippegan is in the Atlantic Coast time zone so we advanced our clocks another hour.

The marina was OK, a bit shallow, and we churned up mud as we landed. Turns out the weekend was "crab festival" and we could hear a band somewhere as we docked. I grabbed a bike and went searching but did not find much action, so we stayed on the boat for dinner. We did find a super market so did some top up shopping.

We did discover that there would be fireworks, and that they would be happening on the wharf right next to the marina. As usual, we were the biggest boat in the marina and it turned out we were blocking the view of some people planning to watch the fireworks from their boats - so we were asked to move! Moving the boat after we have settled in is a bit of a pain and Deidre was a bit PO'd, but we moved to a new spot "at the back" and still had a perfect view of the show.

Returning from our ride

The fishing fleet was already out of the water


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