Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Southwest Harbor, Maine

Tuesday August 18, 2015
44 16 381 N
68 18 786 W

Only a short day today, but required 100% concentration because of the lobster trap floats. We dropped the mooring at about 8:15 AM and arrived Southwest Harbor at about 10:15 AM. Another beautiful day, calm and sunny.

Don had ordered engine oil for both boats (Tide Hiker is due for another oil change in 30 hours) and so he immediately dropped his dinghy, picked me up and headed over to the municipal wharf to meet the truck. While there we watched as the lobster catch was unloaded.

Lobsters off the boat into wet storage
This harbor is a very busy place. Lots of commercial fishing boats and private sailing boats. Lots of boating facilities around the shoreline.

We are moored right opposite the Coast Guard Station

...... and the sailing school?

Southwest harbor is located near the entrance end of 5 mile long fjord called Somes sound that runs north into the "middle" of Mt. Desert Island. So we gassed up the dinghies and headed up the sound for an adventure. We found an anchorage near the end and a dinghy dock that allowed us to get off and walk 1/2 mile to a gas station and buy an ice-cream. One shore of the fjord was the Acadia park, the other side must have been "old money" private, as we saw several very well spaced mansions overlooking the water.

Nice summer cottage

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