Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Carver Cove anchorage

Wednesday August 19, 2015

Fog, fog, fog, fog................
Lobster traps, lobster traps, lobster traps............
Crazy yacht people, crazy yacht people, crazy yacht people..........

It was very foggy when we woke up this AM so we rolled over and went back to sleep. At 9 AM it was not much better. We checked in with Cavara every hour, and by 11 AM it looked like it had lifted a bit so OK - not "good" but "OK".

Half an hour later we were enveloped in heavy thick fog with lots of other boats and millions of lobster traps. The extract from our chart plotter below shows just how disoriented we became as we dodged "everything". We eventually got around the "GONG" but it sure took some doing.(The straight bold lines are my plans, the dotted line traces our actual path!)

The straight lines are our planned course.
The dotted line is our actual path!
We came across one yacht in the fog that we had to "cross" and so called them on the radio multiple times - no answer. We entered a couple of narrow channels and broadcast "All Stations, All stations, this is motor vessel Tide Hiker entering XXXX channel heading west at 7 Kts. Any concerned traffic respond on Ch 16." No responses. Never the less we encountered a couple of yachts in the channel, in the fog.

Ten miles out of Southwest harbor we ran out of traffic, so it was just the fog and the lobster floats. It got so bad that at one point I asked Deidre to stand on the bow and point at floats as they appeared. We eventually both rugged up and ran the boat from the fly bridge.

Our float plan today took us thru what would have been a very scenic area, if we had been able to see. Its really a shame as it is very unlikely that we will return.

This is as much as we saw
 We arrived at the anchorage about 4 PM. Twenty minutes before we arrived a brisk southwesterly sprung up and blew the fog away. Moments later it was a nice day. How did that happen?

The schooner above sailed in an hour or so later and dropped anchor. Deidre and I had dinner on the aft deck and watched the anchored schooner - definitely either a burial at sea of just a religious group - or something else altogether.

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