Thursday, August 6, 2015

Lunenburg (Anchorage)

Thursday August 6, 2015
44 22 235 N
64 18 343 W

The "new and improved" auto pilot worked for about an hour before it reverted to its new bad habits. But after about 1/2 a dozen "events" it seemed to settle down. Maybe...........

The HMCS keeping an eye on us...

Otherwise the 50 NM run to Lunenburg was uneventful. We arrived about 3:30 PM. There was no room for us at a slip (too big) and all the mooring balls sturdy enough for us were otherwise accounted for (the truth is no-one answered the bloody phone) so we dropped anchor in the harbor. Don and Barb went into town to eat - Deidre and I decided to take it easy so grilled a steak.

Lunenburg waterfront
This is the way the PR people think of the town

Friday August 7, 2015

A perfect morning - glassy calm with 100% blue skies. We dropped the dinghy and headed into town for breakfast with Barb and Don. Perfect spot overlooking the harbor.

Spent the rest of the morning wandering around town and ended up at the Fishing Museum. The museum was on three levels in the old "ice house". Ice was cut from the many local fresh water lakes in winter and carted to the port. Funny, but I thought how much my Dad would have enjoyed the place - lots of wood boat making tools and fishing stories. There was a display of old single cylinder boat motors - just like the motors in the boats at Kiefers at Sandringham! Lunenburg was one of the original fishing ports accessing the Grand Banks. Very attractive place.

A "fishing dory" dropped from the mother boat with a couple of fishermen using hand lines to fish.
This is an American boat the "Columbia" - rival the the Nova Scotia boat "Blue Nose"
Tall ship - taken from the dink

Dories waiting for "race day"
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Not much going on. We are delayed by weather. Lunch and a walk in town followed by grocery shopping. Cards on Cavara after dinner. The Sat TV is trying to work...... just a few more miles.

Mixed doubles - dory racing

Mixed doubles - dory racing

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Watched two bald eagles trying to fish between Tide Hiker and the shore. Went ashore in the dink about 3 PM. Dinner with Don and Barb at a local pub. Early to bed.



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