Monday, August 22, 2016

St. Bees to Ennandale Bridge

Monday August 22, 2016

We set out at about 8:30 AM in horrible conditions. It was raining and blowing, just like the previous evening. We were all dressed in our rain gear - but I could not find my gaiters - and I still have not found them. My waterproof pants are a bit long (or my legs are a bit short) and so they were flapping around in the wind and dragging in the mud.

The beach at St. Bees. (But who cares?)

The trail followed the coast for a few miles. We headed for the beach to pick up a stone from the beach to toss into the North sea at the end of our walk. \

Crossing a nice bridge

Walking along the coast.

Coastal view

Conditions did improve after we turned inland away from the coast - the rain continued on and off but we were out of the most of the wind. We had a total of about 23 km to cover. We stopped in a sad little town for lunch. 

So where in the F... are we?

Maybe it had stopped raining?

Diane and Bryce

Under the railroad.

I think this is the place we slept

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