Saturday, January 31, 2015

Garrison Bight

Friday, January 30, 2015

Graeme arrived about 8 AM, about 1/2 an hour early. We had him on board and were underway a bit before 9 AM. We were a bit lucky with the weather - yesterday was a 'small craft advisory" day and Saturday was expected to be the same. The wind was 15 to 20 MPH but northerly so off-shore and our path was in the lee. The trip was about 49 miles and we arrived just before 4 PM. Graeme seemed to enjoy the ride.

As we arrived in the channel a large cruise ship decided to leave and required that we got out of their way.

We were a couple of day early for our marina reservation so we took a ball in Garrison Bight. In anticipation of Saturdays weather we sought and found a ball as far into the bight as possible, where we would get some protection from the Salt Pond Keys. It was a nice sunny day out of the wind and we celebrated with a beer on the boat deck.

At 5 we headed into town to see the sunset and have dinner. Key West is such a fun place. The wind was still up when we headed back to Tide Hiker in the dink. The waves were very choppy and the route back was very dark and we were thoroughly soaked when we arrived back at the boat. I could see that Deidre was a bit stressed but Graeme was having fun. (I think!)

Graeme at the wheel

Arriving Key Wesy

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Pancakes for breakfast - I love having visitors.

Back into town in the dink. Two cruise ships had arrived overnight. The wind was behind us and we arrived dry. Wandered around town looking at the sights and visited "the little white house" and the Mel Fisher treasure museum. Lunch at Hog's Breath.

Graeme caught the 3 PM bus back to Marathon where he will pick up his car and drive back to Miami and begin his long trip back to Perth.

Deidre and I wandered through the crowds and arrived "home" wet through, once again. The marina had called and were expecting us between 12 Noon and 2 PM tomorrow. I am a bit nervous, it will be windy again.

Graeme at the dinghy dock 

Deidre and banyan tree. The foliage in Key West is a treat

Feeding time. I thought that feeding the wild life was illegal!

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