Thursday, January 22, 2015

Boot Key Harbor Mooring Field (Marathon)

Thursday January 22, 2015
24 42 348 N
81 05 854 W

So far we have been managing rather well without the small gen, and have only used the big gen a couple of times. Our plan has been to cruise (some people use the word "steam" when they are under way, but that seems a bit precocious to me.) every day for at least a couple of hours and thereby charge the batteries using the big alternator of the port engine.

If Deidre needs to do any cooking she will do it underway. When we arrive at the anchorage we want to show at least 95% SOC on the batteries. We are very economical with electrical use for the rest of the day and the solar panels maintain the SOC till dusk. Deidre does no cooking (except maybe a quick warm up on the microwave and we can watch TV or read until the SOC is down to 80%. Then we go to bed.

Because the weather has been a bit cooler the refrig & freezer are not drawing as much current, and so when we wake up the SOC is at 60% plus, which is where we want to be. No coffee or toast till we get underway and repeat the cycle.

But for the next 10 days we will be on a mooring ball so will have to rely on the solar panels and the big gen. When using the big gen the challenge is to "load it up" so that the engine reaches proper operating temperature. It has a 15KW (aka 15,000 watts) capacity and I have been told I should create at least a 50 amp load (50 by 110V is about 5,500 watts). So this morning we planned to have the battery chargers, the washing machine, the coffee maker, the toaster, the water heater and one element on the stove running for 45 minutes. When we were done, the SOC was at 75% and the solar panels are now maintaining that level.

The forecast for the next few days does not look so good, with rain and wind up to 25 kts. I was just starting to think about contingency plans when we got the call at about 11:30 AM. We immediately upped the anchor and motored into the harbor and secured to ball W3. The boats are all very close and we had friends watching us approach so we were a bit self conscious. But all went smooth as silk.

We got the call at about 11 AM and immediately upped the anchor and headed into the harbor once again. We grabbed the ball first try, just as well as friends Shay and Elizabeth on "Escape" were watching and right "next door". We settled in and Shay and Elizabeth came over in their dinghy and stayed till 4 PM. During the afternoon Magnus and Charlotte ("Swede Dreams") found us and invited us over for hamburgers. Busy day.

Friday January 23rd, 2015

Easy day, catching up with friends and doing a bit of shopping. Deidre and I enjoyed late lunch at "Dockside". Nice and sunny with wind building a bit. I installed a solar garden light on a pvc pole on the dinghy so conform to local regulations.

Ran the gen in the AM and before bed, load provided by the washer and dryer. Now that everything is washed and dried, what will I use tomorrow?

"The boys" The fellow in the life jacket is 90!

Saturday January 24th, 2015

Last night the wind woke me up. This morning a cold front rolled thru and the temp fell into the high 60's and the wind blew a steady 20-25 MPH. I did not get out of my pajamas until after 1 PM. Crew from Moreofme (Randy and Beth) came over for a cup of coffee and a chat.

The holding in the harbor is not great and there is not a lot of space to anchor. This boat has dragged in the wind and gone aground.

Sunday January 25, 2015

Nice and sunny all day. Sunny enough that we did not have to start the generator this morning. Shay Glass took us grocery shopping in his car. Deidre had a sleep. I visited a couple of boats for a chat. the dinghy motor is running well. Not much going on. Beautiful sunset.

Amazing sunset

Monday January 26, 2015

Another cool windy day. Not much going on. Few jobs around the boat. Last night we met friends over at the Dock Side restaurant for dinner. Very entertaining "one man band" performed and had the crowd in stitches. Good night. Tomorrows weather looks better. Graeme Gleeson arrives Friday and we head for Key West,

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Nice day, not much going on. Took the dinghy thru Sisters Creek to the beach. The solar panels did a good job. Out to dinner with friends "Taco Tuesdays" at Hurricanes.

The parking lot at the beach

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Another sunny day. Not particularly warm, but sunny. I started to work on taxes. Went with 8 other cruisers to an early dinner.

Early dinner at Sparky's
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Busy day saying goodbye to friends and preparing the boat for our visitor.

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