Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Little Shark River

Tuesday January 20, 2015
25 18.462 N
81 09.579 W

Another perfect day in paradise.

We arrived the Little Shark at about 3 PM and poked our nose in the river. There were a few boats anchored in the river already. We nosed around (reminds me of a dog settling on his bed) looking at depths and just about ran aground twice. That spooked me so we decided that we would anchor outside. The wind was mild and out of the east so we expected a comfortable night.

By 6 o'clock there were another 10 boats anchored with us. Talk about a crowd. Everybody is going south.

That night we were far enough from civilization to have zero access to the internet but fantastic stars.

The crowd in the river

Mangrove Coast - our anchorage

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