Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rod and Gun Club - Everglades City

Sunday January 18, 2015
25 51 505 N
81 23 259 W

We waited until 11 00 AM so we would have at least 1/2 tide under our keel as we made our way thru the many islands and up the Baron River to the Rod & Gun Club docks. It was a bit of a stressful trip as the flood current was pushing us pretty hard and on a few occasions the depth finder showed ZERO under the keel. But according to Active Captain the bottom was "soft mud" and so Tide Hiker just seemed to plow a furrow.

As we approached we called the R&GC several times on the radio and the telephone to no effect. Fortunately a cruising  boat had arrived shortly before us and we happy to grab and secure our lines, and we docked right in front of the Club. This is a nostalgic visit for us because 20 years ago we sought refuge at the R&GC when we were circumnavigating South Florida in the Bayliner.

The R&GC is a real "blast from the past". The building dates back to the late 1800s and the Club back to the 1920s when it became a destination for the rich and famous. Wallace Simpson and Prince Edward vacationed here. As did President Nixon and Al Capone. When Deidre, Kylie and I had dinner here in 1994 we felt like we were back in Burma in the '40s.

R & GC from the aft deck

View down the river

Passing air boat

Taking a break
We went to dinner at the R&GC. We were the only people in the dining room. I asked for a "Blue Moon" (common brand of beer) but the waitress explained they only had Bud Lite and Corona. We
decided on Coronas. They were a while coming, and the waitress explained that she had sent someone down to the 711 to get the beers!

Deidre ordered shrimp with a baked potato and I ordered the "steak special" - $19.99. Five minutes later "Sorry, we have no sour cream" We said OK. The beers arrived, they were room temperature. OK. Deidre said her dinner was OK. My steak was like leather, the veges had been boiling all day, the fries were cold. Oh well.

We received the bill - my steak was now $29.99. I brought this error to the girl's attention. There was an argument in the kitchen. She had given me the "Lunch Special" price instead o the dinner price. OK. They could only take "Check or Cash" so I began to write a check: "Who shall I make it out too?" Another argument in the kitchen produced the answer:"Leave that blank till we agree who will get the check!". I decided to pay in cash.

The price of nostalgia.

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