Saturday, January 17, 2015

Marco Island

Friday January 16, 2015
25 57 856 N
81 43 436 W

Looking for a solution to our "white smoke" problem" we changed the raw water impeller this morning. It is a relatively simple exercise except that in the case of the stb engine the raw water pump is located pretty hard against the stb hull, and there is not much room for an old fat guy to work.  But after a fair bit of grunting and groaning the impellor was changed. The old one was quite severly worn - my error, I need to check more often.

We prepared to get under way. The port engine fired up OK, the starboard fired, ran for 20 seconds and stopped. I bled the fuel line, although it did not seem to need it. I tried the engine again and it started and kept running. Who knows?

The anchor was up by 10:30 AM. The anchor was as "buried" in the sand as I had ever experienced. The windlass did not want to pull it out. I let the boat sit with the chain dead vertical over the anchor and let the bouncing of the bow dislodge it. It was another gray old day with a 10-15 mph northerly.

We had planned to head south to Naples, about 30 miles. But that morning had an email exchange with friends on "Rickshaw" and they were only 5 miles away heading for Marco Island. Marco is only an extra 6 or 7 miles so we decided to join them there. When we arrived about 4:30 PM they had their dink in the water and came over to collect us.

The entrance - looking back

Tide Hiker in Factory Bay, Marco Island

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