Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Boot Key Anchorage (Marathon)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
24 41.690 N
81 07.129 W

We were a bit surprised how little water we had under the keel this morning, but all we need is an inch and we had 15 so all was well. Another sunny and perfectly calm day for our 40 mile run over Florida Bay to Marathon. The only hassle was millions of crab pots that we dodged for most of the day.

Amazingly calm day. Looking at our wake.

Arrived at Boot Key Harbor (AKA Marathon) at about 2 PM and headed in to get some fresh water and put our name down on the accursed "Mooring Ball Waiting List". There are 229 mooring balls (and 12 marinas) in Boot Key Harbor. For some weird reason it is the most popular place in the Keys for cruisers and we understand that at this time of year there are usually 25 to 50 boats waiting for a ball. Crazy. It reminds me of a refugee camp for old boaters. Why anchor out in the wilderness surrounded by natural beauty when you can share a couple of square miles of water with 500 other boats?

But obviously we suffer the same herd mentality and we really wanted a ball for a week or so, and we were rewarded for our attention to detail (pre-registration, appearance in person, payment in advance etc etc) and were awarded a prize ball and we expect to take possession tomorrow!

In the meantime we have to wait, so we are anchored in a much more pleasant spot outside the harbor at the other end of the island.

Boot Key Mooring Field

Admiral at the wheel - leaving the Boot Key Harbor

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