Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pine Island/St. James City

Thursday January 15, 2015
26 29 210 N
82 04 837 W

We will now need to use the big gen (15 KW) to charge the batteries. This is a bit akin to using a sledge hammer to drive a 1" finishing nail. And it is not good practice to run a diesel generator without a solid load (50%?)

We avoided running the big gen last night, went to bed with 79% SOC and woke up this AM at 59%. Fired up the gen and had the toaster, the coffee maker, the hot water tank, the bow thruster charger all running as well as the two battery chargers. When breakfast was over (there are only so many toasted bagels I can eat) I turned on the electric heat. Shut the gen down at 70% SOC

Another cool and overcast day. The solar panels are only producing a miserable 150 watts. So we have decided to move on and let the main engines charge the batteries.

Talked with a couple of people about the white smoke. First attempted fix is to change the raw water impeller.

Arrived the anchorage about 2:20 PM. We really botched anchoring the boat. Two tries, lots of messing around. The batteries are about 97% SOG. Conditions are very calm so we are going to take the dink ashore for dinner.

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