Monday, May 18, 2015

Alligator River

Sunday May 17, 2015
35 46 632 N
76 02 313 W

The big adventure started today. We were both underway at 8 AM in perfect weather. The initial target was the Belhaven anchorage with a couple of "stretch targets". Conditions were so comfortable that we kept moving and did not anchor until the sun was setting at about 8 PM half way north on the Alligator River. Was an uneventful day, except that Tide Hiker seems to have developed a case of "singing props".

The wind got up a bit as the sun was setting and we found the movement a bit unusual after 2 weeks on the hard. We anchored among a bunch of crab pots which made things a bit awkward. The wind settled down overnight for good sleeping weather.

During the day we traversed the Pungo River - Alligator River canal - 22 miles of man made canal with just one 20 degree bend in the whole length. The canal runs its entire length thru swamp grass. On the North side where the construction spoil was dumped there is enough elevation for trees to grow in a narrow band, but behind the trees is endless swamp grass. There is nothing to do other than look for critters and try and get a photo - but no dice.

The trickiest part about anchoring was finding space between bloody crap pot floats. They are such a curse, because if you tangle one on a prop it can stall the engine. Monday morning the crab-man was buzzing around emptying his pots. He seemed such a nice guy I felt guilty about the things I had muttered the night before.

This was the pattern on the chart plotter when we woke this AM. Obviously the wind and current did not change much last night. Perfect anchorage. The little triangle is where we pulled the boat forward to attach the snubber. 

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