Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Croton-on-Hudson (Anchorage)

Tuesday May 26, 2015
41 11.714 N
73 53.727 W

Today the God of Tides deferred to Deidre this AM and as a result our departure was delayed until 10 AM. Even so the tidal current on the Hudson River did not catch us until about the George Washington bridge. The cruise thru New York harbor past Manhattan was pretty straight forward - our 6th time - ho hum!  But we did feel obliged to take some photos. The navy must have been here in force for the Memorial day weekend so we had some front row seats for the parade of ships as they left.

Our anchorage is about 40 miles up the Hudson and is quite delightful. The river is now running thru low hills, Tomorrow our surrounds will be more mountainous as we pass West Point. It is a beautiful river, not quite the Rhine but definitely impressive. the weather was great today.

One of the navy ships heading out

We  already have a hundred photos but......

Just a pretty picture

One of those new stealth ships

As usual the NYPD was everywhere

Bangladesh ferry

The three new buildings in front of the "Freedom Tower"

The Concord on display

New fancy building under construction

I think the George Washington bridge was inspired by Mechano Sets

Where the Harlem river enters the Hudson River

The Tappan Zee bridge is being overhauled - we counted 20 cranes on barges

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