Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beaufort, NC (At the yard dock)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

We were heading out into the Atlantic today for an easy 75 NM run to Beaufort, NC. Our target destination was the True World Marine boat yard about 10 miles up the Newport River. The weather was perfect, sunny with very little wind. We had the anchor up and we were underway at a leisurely 7 AM.

But first - today id Deidre's birthday. I had a cake for her (I had really lucked out at Ocean Isle - a mile or so from the dock I found a bakery!) and some candles and so once we were on course and handed over to the autopilot we had our little celebration.

The weather remained clear and calm. We seemed to catch 1/3 of a knot of favorable current, so that made me happy. A few dolphins came to visit us and ride our bow. We made the channel bouy by 4 PM and headed up the river past downtown Beaufort and arrived at the yard dock by 5:30 PM. Barb and Don ("Cavara") were waiting at the dock and took our lines. After a chat and a quick beer they drove us (they have a rental) into town for birthday dinner.

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