Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Reedy Island (Anchorage)

39 30.800 N 
75 34.300 W

Today was almost the opposite of yesterday. It was still a bit windy but the sun was shining and the we rode a favorable tidal current almost all the way to the C&D. We had planned to anchor just before the C&D at Bohemia Bay, but we were running ahead of plan and decided to continue the 22 NM thru the C&D and anchor in the Delaware river at Reedy Island.

FYI, the "Chesapeake & Delaware Canal" is a wide and deep canal that joins the north end of the Chesapeake Bay to the Delaware River. It is a "ship canal" so ships can travel from Philadelphia to Baltimore and Norfolk without venturing into the Atlantic.

The Reedy Island anchorage is not a particularly desirable anchorage - the current is strong and "turns" every 6 or so hours with the tide, which really tests an anchor. (Also, the most obvious part of the view is the nuclear power station immediately across the river.) We took two tries to get the anchor to set. We had deployed all 200' of anchor chain - my theory being that as the tide changes and the boat starts to drag the chain along the bottom in the opposite direction, there is a good chance the chain will snag on 'something" and take the load off the anchor.

Tide Hiker's main engines hours had built up to 200 hours since the last oil change, so after dinner Deidre and I headed to the engine room to change the oil and filters. We are getting quite efficient at the task and were done before 11 PM. I stayed up a bit longer to watch the tide change.

This ship came out of the C&D as we were entering

Coast Guard boat changing the channel buoys from winter to summer buoys

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