Monday, May 18, 2015

Atlantic Yacht Basin

Monday March 18, 2015
36 43.207 N
76 14.096 W

Our target for today was a marina on the Elizabeth River called "Top Rack". This is a favorite for two reasons: 1) Cheapest fuel at $2.31 tax paid, and 2) The dockage is about $80 but you can spend it in the restaurant! Great deal.

We had the anchor up at 8 AM sharp. Nice day, sunny with maybe 15 mph west wind. Unfortunately the "prop whine" was getting worse and sounds more like "metal on metal" and I was starting to get concerned. I called several people and got some input. Consensus was that I should take a look.

So after we had crossed the Albemarle Sound we found a quiet spot and dropped anchor so I could dive over the side. I wore my "shortie" wet suit, and was frustrated by the way it seems to shrink between wears! The water was not that cold but very "stained" by the run off from the swamps. Under the boat I could hardly see, but satisfied myself that all the parts were where they should be.

So we fired up the engines and moved on, thinking about "Plan B". We are aware of a large yard close to our day's destination and I called them to see if we could get hauled tomorrow morning. We are sitting at their dock now as I type this. Maybe I will ask a mechanic to take a ride in the AM and listen to the noise.

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