Saturday, May 23, 2015

South Kent Island (Anchorage)

Friday May 22, 2015
38 51.090 N
76 20.985 S

Getting north to NYC seems to be a bit of a battle. The weather is just not cooperating. The forecast this AM included another SCA plus we had to cross the entrance (exit?) of the Potomac River into Chesapeake, where it is notoriously rough.

We were very tempted to stay put. The Mill Creek anchorage was so comfortable. But we need to get north, and also to deal with inclement weather because we will probably need to deal with a lot worse in the Canadian Maritimes. So with the understanding that we would probably get the snot beaten out of us as we crossed the Potomac, we upped anchor about 8 AM and headed out. At least the morning was sunny, not like the cloud/fog/rain we had yesterday.

Between the wind and current we were down to as low as 5 knots crossing the Potomac, and it was rough. We had everything pretty tide down but the crashing around found a few more week spots - including one of the bikes breaking loose on the upper deck with a crash.

It took a couple of hours but eventually we passed north of Point Lookout and the conditions settled down. In fact after a couple more hours conditions were almost "pleasant" although we pushed against the tide just about all the way. Nevertheless we used all the daylight and covered 72 NM.

The anchorage was an "easy-in and easy-out" and protected us from the forecast strong N and NW winds. We put out almost all our chain plus the snubber. The area was obviously very upscale with some very fancy house spaced wide apart around the bay. Deidre tells me the wind got up about 2 AM but I did not hear a thing.

The seemed to be a "large sailing boat" race coming south and this was the leader.

"Deidre, look out the galley window"

A couple of the "nice houses" at our anchorage. 

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