Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mill Creek (Anchorage)

Thursday May 21, 2015
37 47.558 N
76 19 407 W

Started off the day as planned - up at 5 AM and underway in semi light at 5:30 AM with Cavara right behind us. I called them on the radio "Turn on your running lights" and they responded "They are on" followed in a few minutes by "Our lights are popping the breaker". But that was just the start. We got out and around the Thimble Light just before we heard radio chatter between a helicopter (taking photos) and a departing nuclear sub.

The entrance was pretty rough. The wind was still up and we were exposed to the Atlantic. Just about then we heard from Barb - "We have an overheating engine and we have shut it down". We throttled back but we both continued north - Cavara on one engine, at about 4 knots as Don changed the impeller on their starboard engine. An hour or so later we were back to cruising speed.

It was really an unpleasant day. Overcast, bleak, windy, the water and everything around was gray. Deidre cooked breakfast and we were cozy in the wheel house.  Deidre was feeling a bit green and did not eat much. The wind was on our stb beam and Tide Hiker was leaning over somewhat, but otherwise handling the weather OK. One of the bikes broke lose on the top deck and needed re-securing. It was going to be a long day.

We had a long day planned - 90 NM or about 13 hours - hence the early start. As the day progressed we were watching the weather, and the forecast seemed to get a bit worse each time we looked. By 2 PM we had covered 50 plus miles but the conditions were "not getting better". Deidre hates it when Tide Hiker rolls on a beam sea and she finds herself looking down on the water from her perch on the port side.

At about that time I called Don and asked "What do you think?". We were about to pass our last anchoring possibility and still had 5 hours of cruising ahead of us to reach the target. We quickly agreed to "bale out" and immediately turned for shelter in Ingram Bay. There are several anchorages in the bay, and a very sheltered anchorage in Mill Creek. Its pretty isolated - not one broadcast Tv channel. Last night we had 45!

Passing Wolf Trap light . 

Fishing boat

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