Monday, July 22, 2013

Brewerton, NY

Monday July 22, 2013
43 14.444 N
76 08.288 W

Good day today, so not much to tell. We left the dock at 9:00 AM sharp. Had only about 20 NM of canal (with two "down" locks) before we entered Oneida Lake. The 19 NM ride over the lake was a rest in itself - no wind, glassy calm and only a couple of course changes the whole way. We were tied up at a free dock by 3:30 PM. We may walk into town to a marine store (Deidre's suggestion!) and there is a decent looking restaurant across the road.

Where a flooded creek entered the canal
There was more evidence today on the canal of flood damage and a fair bit of equipment on the water. In one spot a creek had dumped enough sand to just about close the canal.

We wandered over to the restaurant for dinner. It was a great spot because I could keep an eye on Tide Hiker as we ate. The food was OK.

Tomorrow we have another relatively short run to Oswego, but with lots of locks.

What a great view!

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