Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Waterford, NY

Tuesday July 16, 2013
42 47.151 N
73 40.693 W

We made it to Waterford a day early and we passed thru our first lock.

The mast and Sat aerial is down
This morning we employed a couple of guys to help us lower the mast and remove the TV satellite aerial. All went well and we were on our way by 11:30 AM. The current would be against us all day, now a combination of tide and flow. But we only had 35 NM to get to Waterford, the beginning point of the Erie Canal. We were now over 100 miles up river and in 100% fresh water.

We were impressed to see plenty of commercial shipping. When we entered the "Port of Albany" we were confronted by two tugs turning an ocean freighter in the channel. The first lock was a bit of a learning curve but we made it thru OK. After that we had our first 20' bridge so I removed or lowered all our aerials. Turned out to be a fizzer, the bridge had at least 23' of clearance. The Canal opens tomorrow, so there is still a back up in Waterford. All the free docks were occupied so we had to tie up on a bulkhead.

Ship turning in the river at Albany

Its stinking hot so I have relented and fired up the generator and the AC.

USS Slater Museum Ship

Our first lock (on this trip)

Admiral on lock duty

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