Sunday, July 7, 2013

Port Washington - Sunday

Sunday July 7, 2013

Woke up to our first real day of summer - sunny, warm and a nice breeze. Deidre made me an omelet for breakfast and I set myself up with a good cup of coffee on the aft deck. Bliss. About 10 AM decided to hit the jon and have a shower. Stepped out of the shower into 1/2" of water. The bloody head had overflowed again. (This is the third time in 15 months)

Stark bloody naked and fresh and clean I reluctantly spring into action. Stop the flow, get the wet and dry vac and suck up the water, remove all the carpet and mats and haul them to the forward deck, wipe down the floors, (get dressed) scrub the carpet on the deck with Pineoclean, rinse with precious fresh water and hang mats and carpet out to dry on the rail. Meanwhile Deidre washed the floor with Chlorox. Now we are both a sweaty mess. Boating is fun! :)

It gets better. Deidre has always said "The boat is fun, but just living is harder". PW is a boat friendly place so living here has to be easier. For example the super market has its own dinghy dock, and I was looking forward to a pleasant shopping expedition. We launched the dinghy like experts and off we went. The shopping was satisfactory and we enjoyed a sit down and coffee at Starbucks. Bliss returned.

Relaxation melted away when the dinghy engine spluttered and died halfway back to the boat. We grabbed the paddles and headed for a nearby marina and managed to find a hand hold. (I was thinking "There goes the frozen and refrigerated groceries!") Meantime I could smell gas so my trouble-shooting had a head start. Sure enough, part of the fuel line had split. There was a person on a yacht nearby so I begged a couple of tools and jury rigged the line and the engine started. Phew. 

We headed off and had made it another 200 yards or so and some idiot in a power boat passed us throwing a 2 foot wake. Well our dinghy has about 1 foot of free-board, and so the top 1 foot of the wave came straight over the side. Deidre was 100% soaked, the boat was 4" deep in water and the Doritos were floating. Bloody hell. I did not have a chance to berate the idiot as I was occupied pumping the water out and rescuing the groceries.

All back safe and sound now. We bought a NY Times so I plan to relax with the paper.

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