Saturday, July 20, 2013


Saturday July 20, 2013
42 54.554 N
74 34.238 W

Some storming overnight. I ran the gen and the A/C to help cool down Deidre and the boat. I have never seen the boat dirtier than it was this morning. The wind blew the dust and then the rain stuck it to the boat. During the night the digital TV aerial was blown over and ruined. But the storms have cooled things down and it will only be in the 80's today, with more storms.

Pleasant country
We decided to have an easy day and only target a free dock about 25 miles distant. The ride was uneventful (thank heavens!) and generally scenic. Only 5 locks today. We made it to Canajoharie by about 2 PM and the volunteer dockmaster was there to take lines. Such a great deal - dock and power for no charge. Plus the dockmaster took Deidre to the supermarket while I tidied up the boat. We will walk into town for dinner. I called Radio Shack and they have a digital aerial. If the rain stops I will ride my bike over and pick it up.

After the rain stopped I washed the boat deck down with brush and hose to get last nights grime off, and in the process snapped the anchor light of the mast (which was lying down on the deck). Sometimes I think I am the reason there is such a list of things to fix. So I took the whole thing apart and in the process discovered that the top of the mast is totally rotten. This is really the first time I have found decay on the boat. Not sure what to do.

Our new French friends

The other boat at the slip was French - a large power cat. We soon met up with the crew and ended up walking into town for pizza with them. They are really fun people and it was very interesting hearing their stories and background.

Traffic Light in the middle of the road

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