Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Oswego - Wednesday and Thursday


We both slept in 'till after 9 AM. A cool front had arrived and the temps were in the mid 60's with a cool northerly breeze. A pleasant change. Lazy breakfast, catching up with emails etc.

That all changed rapidly when Deidre discovered a small leak in the sanitation system. An hour or so later all was cleaned up (after using up our supply of Chlorox and Pine-sol) but I needed a part. The local plumbing supply house had the exact item and was just a 5 minute bike ride away for $1.42. On the way back I popped into the Post Office and picked up another two parcels. The plumbing part is now installed and I just have to put the bathroom back together again.

Deidre found a local hair dresser and just called - she is "thrilled with the cut" so that will cheer her up. I found a barber a few blocks away and also feel a lot better. As usual, we had lots of jobs to do so we were both busy for the rest of the day. Dinner at home.


We plan to head for Canada on Friday. The forecast looks good. My biggest concern was customs as we have "a full bar" on board and the allowances for us are the same as someine arriving by plane. Solved that by befriending a gent from thr local old age home and he agreed to babysit the contents of my cabinet. I told him he could drink all he wants.

We had one last parcel to pick up at the USPS and after some confusion it arrived. We managed to pretty much complete our to do lists are are ready to roll. Getting charts was the most difficult as the Canadians do not seem to want to let them out of the country. We also called to make a reservation at a Kingston marina and their response - "Sorry, reservations have to be made two days in advance. Click." Strange bunch. This could be interesting.

The "Harbor Fest" started today so Deidre and I walked into town to have a look around and have dinner.

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