Friday, July 5, 2013

Sandy Hook, NY

Friday July 5, 2013
40 26.490 N
73 59.831 W

Up at 5:15 AM and underway at 5:40 AM. We are getting good at early starts. We don't talk much, we just stumble thru our jobs and get underway. We were up late watching the fireworks last night so getting up early was a bit of a drag. (On the other hand, the Collingwood game was still underway so I enjoyed watching the live scores for the last quarter.)

"Deidre! There is a boat in front of us! Can you see it?
The morning was fine if a bit on the foggy side. The wind was still coming out of the South and there was a 3' to 4' swell. We had to head South into the swells as we came out of the shipping channel and it was a bit uncomfortable, but once we turned East and then progressively North the boat settled down well. We seemed to get a small push all day and finished the 83 NM in under 12 hours.

We made the turn around Sandy Hook at about 4:30 PM and made our way to the anchorage in Horseshoe Cove. Its a good anchorage except that a high speed ferry passes about every half an hour about 2 miles away, and 15 minutes or so later we roll around like balls in a bucket.

There it is! Turn to port!
We enjoyed a beer on the aft deck as the sun fell. After dark there was another fireworks display to our North and we enjoyed that. Then I found "Foyles War" on Public TV so we were happy campers.

We still have a problem re the Erie canal. As an interim plan we will motor into the upper harbor tomorrow and see if there is room to anchor near the Statue of Liberty. Its the July 4 long weekend, so finding room is a bit of a long shot. If there is no room at the inn, we will head up the East Rive on the tide and spend the night on a mooring ball in Port Washington.

Sunset, Sandy Hook

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