Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Brigantine Bay Anchorage

July 2, 2013
39 23.238 N
74 24.544 W

We both slept like logs last night and were not up and functioning till after nine. After attending to a few duties (washing the sheets and getting them into the dryer, filling the water tanks, tidying up the lazarette after a couple of boxes had fallen over, vacuuming and etc) we headed out for blueberry pancake breakfast.

The harbormaster was a nice guy and he came over to let us go at 2PM. The wind was back up again. (I wish I had a weather station. I can only guess at the wind strength. But it must be 20-30 kts) First we headed over to the Golden Nugget marina for a pump out, then over to an anchorage on the other side of the entrance. Took us two tries to get the anchor set (And I am still not totally convinced) The wind is still very strong. We are just going to have to wait this weather out. I hope Deidre has enough books.

Bright lights of Atlantic City from the anchorage
Now Wednesday morning: The wind went down with the sun and we had a restful nights sleep. The weather forecast is holding up OK for Thursday, July 4, although it was very foggy this (Wednesday) morning and that would mean a hassle getting out of this anchorage - it has a narrow entrance and there is all sorts of dredging equipment staged right in the way.

We only have a few of neighbors in the anchorage - two trawlers and one yacht. We talked to the trawler and followed them in yesterday. I assume we will all be leaving Thursday.

Now Wednesday night. The wind has not let up all day. The forecast for tomorrow is still OK, but the wind will need to drop before we pull up the anchor in the morning. I got lots of good admin done today, so not a wasted day..

A new potential problem is developing. The Erie Canal has been closed for ten days because of flood damage. The New York Barge Canal Authority is not saying when it will open, just that it is closed, in typical Government style. If all goes on schedule we will be at the east end of the canal in 5 days.

Thursday Morning: Thank heavens, the wind is down and the sun is out. The anchor can have a well earned rest. We have decided to stay another night because:
1. Erie Canal is closed for now so there is no hurry
2. The weather actually looks a bit better Friday
3. Now the wind is down we can launch the dinghy and have a look around, and do some shopping
4. There will be a big fire works show tonight and Deidre loves fire works.

Locals fishing with a net
Reminds me of photos from Asia

Thursday Night: Quite a few boats anchored in the bay to watch the fireworks.

Five sail boats rafted together. They did not invite us!

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