Friday, July 26, 2013

Loyalist Cove Marina, Bath, Ontario, Canada

July 26, 2013
44 10.945 N
76 45.743 W

Interesting. These people consider that the American War of Independence was a "civil war" and that the "loyalists" were persecuted and forced out of the country.

The earliest we could get rolling this morning was determined by the first opening of the "last" lock - 8 AM. The weather was as good as the forecast had promised - sunny and calm. We were heading for a marina in Bath, about 20 miles west of Kingston, about 46 NM from Oswego. This was the only marina that would take a reservation. I wanted a concrete destination because we needed to clear customs.

Bath was about 7 NM closer to Oswego, so our eta was about 3 PM. We crossed into Canadian waters just before lunch and I hoisted the yellow quarantine flag on one of the radio aerials. The lake was amazingly deep - over 500' in places. Although still sunny and clear, the conditions deteriorated a bit and Deidre was feeling a bit munchy so I had to make my own lunch. But as soon as we got into the lee of  Amhurst Island the waves settled down and Deidre recovered. We were all tied up and settled soon after 3 PM.

I called the customs people from the office. After all the horror stories I had heard, the process was a breeze. Obviously it was Friday afternoon and they wanted to go home for the weekend!

Tide Hiker seems a bit out of place here. Most of the population is sailing boats and smaller power boats. One onlooker commented: "You had better watch out for the Canadian navy, they may want to commandeer you boat!". We walked into town for dinner. True enough, the area was settled by "Americans" displaced by the "1776 troubles". There are lots of Union Jacks and Canadian flags around town. The restaurant was called

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