Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Oswego, NY

Tuesday July 23, 2013
43 27.242 N
76 30.434 W

Easy day today, so not much news! Raining quite steadily when we got up, otherwise overcast and calm. We cast off about 8:30 AM and headed west on the Erie. In the calm waters the reflections were excellent. We both agreed (significant in that Deidre was totally browned off about the Erie canal) that the scenery was more impressive. The houses were nicer, the trees taller and the water calmer. (This could be another learning moment for me. Apparently, if you are a girl, and your hands and finger nails and cloths are all dirty, it's hard to enjoy the scenery. I did not realize that.)

Admiral on lock duty
After about 10 miles we came to the intersection of the Oswego "canalized" river at "Three Rivers", and we turned North. Today we faced only 6 locks and they we all "down". We are convinced that "down" is easier, probably because the lines are less wet and therefor cleaner. We continued to display "lock competence" and did not scratch the boat. None of the locks made us wait so that was good.

 We arrived in Oswego about 2:30 PM and tied up to the (concrete) canal bank just before the last lock into lake Ontario. There are no services, but it is a nice spot and we are self contained anyway.

I was pleased there was space on the wall for us because we had only learned in the last few days that Oswego "Harbor Festival" starts Thursday and 130,000 people and a lot of visiting boats are expected.

After settling down I rode over to the local Post Office to pick up our mail. We are expecting a total of  9 packages overall, mostly maintenance stuff. There was 5 packages waiting for me so we are well underway.

Tide Hiker in Oswego
After dinner we had a walk around 'downtown" Oswego to 'spec it out. On the way back we ran into a couple from a sailing boat and invited them in for a drink. They are from Ottawa.

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