Monday, March 9, 2015

Barnes Sound/Key Largo

Monday March 9, 2015
25 15.587 N
80 20 159 W

Very restful evening. There was one other boat in the anchorage and they came over to visit for a chat. Tide Hiker seemed to be 100% protected from the wind and so we had a calm night and enjoyed a movie and a good sleep.

Lots of very shallow water to cover today. The total tide range in this area is only 8" but even so we timed our departure to use every bit of it. We know we can get thru if we are careful - we did it two years ago. The difference today is that the bloody wind is still howling.

There are three depth gauge readings on the fly bridge - that give about a 12" range of depths under the keel. So today (at one point) one was showing 12", one was showing 6" and one was showing 0". I tend to believe the one in the middle. We were in shallow water virtually all day, but as far as I can tell we did not touch the bottom. It is quite stressful, however.

The great thing about this part of the world is that there are plenty of great anchorages. Tonight we are in the NE corner of Barnes Sound in 8' of water, tucked up against the shoreline of 40' mangroves.

Jewfish Creek - transiting from Blackwater Sound to Barnes Sound

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