Monday, March 23, 2015

Vero Beach Mooring Field

Monday March 23, 2015
27 39.710 N
80 22.347 W

Don's birthday today so Deidre arranged a celebration breakfast before we tossed both of them off the boat and got underway! It had been a great visit, but now my sights are set on getting to Charleston on April 1. We had been promised an early pumpout but by 9:30 AM the crew had not arrived so we departed without.

Don's Birthday Breakfast

Calm and overcast morning. The scenery was great as we cruised between the Palm Beach homes of the rich and famous. We were getting a bit of a push from the tide and made good progress. About lunchtime thunder clouds began to roll in and we also watched them in the radar. A bit of wind arrived with the rain but did not slow down our progress.

Arrived at Vero Beach mooring field at 5:30 and grabbed our assigned ball. We do not plan to leave the boat, but we still like this place. It is now super calm, no sign of a breeze and humid.

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