Sunday, March 15, 2015

North Lake Worth

Sunday March 15, 2015
26 50.413 N
80 03.236 W

I messed up leaving the dock. No damage, but I should know better. Oh well.

Great run north to Lake Worth. The sea was unruffled in 5-10 MPH breeze. Just long low swells. To make matters even better, we must have caught a bit of the Gulf Stream and cruised most of the 49 miles at over 8 knots! Like being in an aeroplane.

Like flying!

The Atlantic gets deep quickly along this part of the coast so we are able to cruise quite close to shore, and the good weather was bringing crowds to the beaches.

Busy beach at Boca Ratan

Peanut Island is just inside the entrance to Lake Worth and is a boating party place. We slowed all the way down to thread our way thru the crowds of boats and "floating objects". Hundreds of boats of every description were anchored in the shallows, crawling with appropriately clothed "young people" having more fun than they probably deserved. There was a good supply of the Coast Guard and local cops trying to keep it under control. We crawled at idle speed thru the crowd. It was a fun sight.

What a party

We headed another 4 miles north up the lake to our anchorage, being passed and re-passed by nuts in fast boats going way to fast and waking us continuously. Oh, to be young and hopped up.

The North Lake Worth anchorage was pretty full. We had to cruise around between the boats to find a spot. The anchor was down by 4:15PM. Its a good spot - high rise buildings to our West and lake front residences on the east.

The north lake worth anchorge

Monday March 16, 2015

Beautiful calm and sunny day. Launched the dink and had a look around the area. Otherwise just took it easy. Dinner on board.

Tuesday March 18, 2015

David's birthday. I remember fainting in the delivery room.

Another quiet day. Took the dink over to the "dinghy beach" under the highway bridge and walked up to the shops. Had some lunch and did some shopping, back on the boat by 3 PM.

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