Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cumberland Island (Anchored)

Saturday March 28, 2015

Cold last night - down to 48 degrees. Its amazing how quickly it gets cold going North. There is a silver lining - the two refrigerators only used about 75% of the amps. The SOC was 71% when we woke this AM. Usually its just over 60%.

Long day today, and most of it against the tide. Took just under 10 hours to do 60 NM. Sunny day, but "cold" and quite windy. We stayed on the ICW because it was too windy to be off shore - 4' to 5' waves with some 6' and 7'. But the forecast is starting to look better for next week.

Cumberland Island is a favourite anchorage, not so hot in a west wind, but OK. The wind will die a bit overnight. Deidre is getting good at cooking while we are underway and have plenty of electricity. Tonight "shepards pie" Yum.

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