Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Garrison Bight

Sunday March 1, 2015

Up at 7:30 AM and underway by 10:30 AM. The weather had deteriorated overnight and this morning there was a "small craft warning" with 20-25 MPH winds. I had to back out of the slip into the wind, turn Tide Hiker 90 degrees and get forward movement before the wind blew us back into the slips. Tide Hiker is a "bit windy" but all went well.

Because of the weather we planned to only run east to Key West harbor and drop the anchor. It was quite blustery (Deidre saw 28 MPH on the anemometer) and we did not see a spot to our liking in the harbor so we continued on to Garrison Bight and took a ball. Had a tough time picking up the ball till a nice fellow in a dinghy took sympathy and helped us. Then another large boat came in and he helped them also. We gave him a bottle of red.

I was tired and took a nap from about 3PM till 6PM. Its so nice to sleep with the boat moving around.

Monday March 2, 2015

Took the dink into Key West for breakfast. Then Deidre went shopping and I picked up my pills and visited the Post Office. The water was a bit choppy so Deidre was wet when we returned to Tide Hiker about 3PM. I popped in on a nearby trawler ("Merchant marine") and invited them over for a drink. Turns out they were from the Cleveland area.

For some strange reason, chickens are "protected" in Key West and can be found roaming around. These handsome guys (?) were hanging around the USPS

Tuesday March 3, 2015

Decided against leaving. The wind was solid 20 kts and would have been right on our bow. No fun, so we have paid for an extra day and will review again tomorrow. 

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