Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Miami Beach, FL

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
25 47.052 N
80 08.866 W

Another windy day, but slowly swinging from the East to the South East, so its more on our beam today. We have friends anchored in the Miami Beach area and that is our target.

We took a "short cut" thru the commercial dock area and it got a bit hectic.

I hope he knows where he is going!

We are now anchored in some crazy water between where the "rich and famous" live and South Beach. I say crazy because there are no rules here. Everyone seems to be playing, mainly by burning hydrocarbons at a rapid rate.

Party City

 Wednesday March 11, 2015

This morning we launched the dinghy and headed into Miami Beach. There is a small canal that provided us the opportunity to secure the dinghy.

This was my lunch. The thing on top is an egg. The rest was roasted potatoes, sausages and onion. It was way to salty and greasy for me.

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