Sunday, March 8, 2015

Shell Island

Sunday March 8, 2015
25 55.493 N
80 40.320 W

Daylight Savings day. Peaceful night. This morning was overcast and windy. The forecast was quite miserable. More wind and rain. We decided to bypass Marathon and just head north and east and get to Miami as soon as we could.

As we left the anchorage I watched the wind clock 33 MPH from the NE. However we would be traveling on protected waters, the barrier islands basically south and east of us. All we needed to do was hunker down and get the miles done, and find a protected anchorage.

The wind was almost exactly on our nose the whole day, and slowed us down almost a knot. The water was choppy but not much more, as we were protected on our lee almost all day. There was plenty of choices for anchorages. We had the hook down before 4 PM with Shell island protecting us from the wind.

When the sun set the wind seemed to die and at 10 PM all seemed reasonable calm.

How the day started

How the day ended.

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